Jan 24 / Bill Ricksecker

The Dangers of False Teaching and the Call to Confront Them

In a world filled with competing voices and ideologies, the Church faces a constant challenge: discerning truth from error. False biblical teaching—whether intentional or unintentional—threatens to undermine the integrity of the Christian faith, leading believers astray and distorting the message of the gospel. For this reason, it is essential for Christians to be biblically equipped and courageous in confronting false teachings.

The Dangers of False Biblical Teaching

  1. Distortion of the Gospel: At the heart of Christianity lies the gospel, the good news of Jesus Christ. False teaching often perverts this message, either by adding to it (e.g., legalism) or taking away from it (e.g., antinomianism). Paul warns in Galatians 1:6-9 against turning to a "different gospel," emphasizing that such distortions lead people away from the saving truth.
  2. Spiritual Harm: False teachings can mislead believers, leaving them spiritually malnourished or even shipwrecking their faith (1 Timothy 1:19). A distorted understanding of God and His Word can result in confusion, fear, or misplaced hope, robbing Christians of the joy and freedom found in Christ.
  3. Division in the Church: False doctrines often sow discord within the body of Christ. When lies take root, they create factions and divisions, weakening the Church's unity and witness to the world (Romans 16:17-18).
  4. Eternal Consequences: Perhaps most sobering is the eternal impact of false teaching. Jesus warns in Matthew 7:15-23 about false prophets who lead people to destruction. Those who follow a counterfeit gospel may face eternal separation from God.

The Call to Be Biblically Equipped

To stand firm against false teaching, Christians must be deeply rooted in the Word of God. Consider the following steps:

  1. Study Scripture Diligently: The Bereans were commended in Acts 17:11 for examining the Scriptures daily to verify the teachings they received. Regular and prayerful Bible study equips believers to discern truth from error.
  2. Grow in Sound Doctrine: Paul urges Timothy to "follow the pattern of sound words" and "guard the good deposit" entrusted to him (2 Timothy 1:13-14). Christians must seek out and adhere to solid biblical teaching, avoiding teachers who twist Scripture for personal gain or cultural acceptance.
  3. Develop Discernment: Hebrews 5:14 describes mature believers as those who can "distinguish good from evil." This discernment comes through consistent application of God’s Word and reliance on the Holy Spirit.
  4. Stay Connected to the Church: A healthy church community fosters accountability and provides a safeguard against the influence of false teaching. Fellow believers can encourage, correct, and support one another in the truth (Ephesians 4:15-16).

Courage to Confront False Teachings

Equipped with Scripture, Christians are called to confront falsehood with love and truth. This responsibility, while challenging, is necessary to protect the integrity of the faith and the well-being of fellow believers.

  1. Speak Truth in Love: Confrontation must always be motivated by love for God and others. Harshness or arrogance has no place in defending the faith (Ephesians 4:15).
  2. Rely on God's Wisdom: Confronting false teaching requires wisdom, patience, and humility. James 1:5 assures believers that God generously provides wisdom to those who ask.
  3. Be Prepared for Opposition: Addressing false teachings may invite criticism or hostility, even within the Church. Jesus reminded His followers that they would face persecution for standing on the truth (John 15:18-20).
  4. Point to Jesus Christ: Ultimately, the goal of confronting error is not to win arguments but to point people to the truth of Christ and the hope of the gospel.
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False teaching is a grave threat to the Church, but it is not a new one. The apostles warned of its dangers, and Christians throughout history have contended for the faith (Jude 1:3). Today, the call remains the same. By being biblically equipped and willing to confront falsehood with grace and courage, believers can uphold the truth of God’s Word and protect the flock from harm. Let us strive to be faithful stewards of the truth, ever mindful of our ultimate aim: to glorify God and proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ.
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