Jan 15 / Bill Ricksecker

What's in store for 2025?

The year of 2024 was quite a busy year for the CC412 development. Last year we had a goal to develop a few courses for everyone to enjoy and further their faith walk with a deeper understanding of the Bible. While we may not have completed as many as originally planned, progress was made nonetheless. I am completely amazed by what God has allowed us to do in the past year and quite excited to see what 2025 has in store for CC412. 

That said, I have spent several weeks trying to figure out what is next on the agenda. Do we continue to develop more courses or work on some other aspects?

The goal of CC412 ultimately is to be a bible school. A ministry in which you can go further in your studies rather than just a (for lack of a better word) surface-level understanding. To train, and equip the next generation of Christians. A place that can point you in the right direction and get your questions answered in all areas of the Christian faith. 

The last few months of 2024 I gave myself time to further my own studies and began to dive back into learning Biblical Greek and I have to admit I have had a lot of fun with it. But that has also brought a feeling as if I was also neglecting the work CC412 requires or another way of putting it, I felt as if I was neglected to help YOU in your Christian faith walk. 

While I was at work today, I was brainstorming like I always do and then the Lord revealed the task ahead of me. No, not some Charismatic heretical “the Lord spoke to me”. Rather the Holy Spirit moved my thoughts in a particular direction.

I have a little notebook sitting on my table with all my various ideas, plans, and goals for CC412. Within that is a list of about 15 books I would like to eventually write. In this list, there is a particular book I have been itching to write, however, I have felt as if I don’t have the time right now. How can this be resolved? 

Worksheets and Workbooks.

There is a particular book of the Bible that I feel would be a great help to all Christians. Yes, I know, all Scripture is God-breathed and beneficial for training us up in righteousness (2 Tim. 3:16) but this one particular book has been ringing loud in my mind for the past year.

So to kill about 4-5 birds with a single stone (I wonder if David could do that), this year we will work on writing worksheets and workbooks on certain aspects of the Bible. Not only will books be written, but this will also help you as an individual and your local Church to be stronger in your understanding of God’s sacred word. 

What sort of Workbook am I talking about? Well, as much as I would love to share that with you, you will have to wait until our next blog article. I will share one thing with you though. The next article may be short, but as study sheets are written for this book of God’s word it will continue to grow, and grow, and grow, and… you get the point right?

I look forward to sharing more with you and I pray the Lord continues to lead you into His righteousness! - Bill

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